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Apex Employment Investigators is the number one employment and tenant screening company in the mid-south. Apex provides incredible results at a very economical price. When you work with Apex you’re working with some of the most experienced investigators in the background industry. Your investigation is not completed by clerical staff with minimal supervision. Our experienced investigations team has a long background in the law enforcement and business communities to ensure that your investigation is complete and accurate. At every step your investigation is managed by people that know just how important it is to make the right hiring or leasing decision.
Alexander Pope once wrote “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” And in the employment and tenant screening business he couldn’t be more accurate. You need a lot of knowledge to make the right decision.
Our motto, "we provide... you decide" is our philosophy about background investigations. We will provide you with extensive information. We'll even provide you with an analysis of the information. Then you make the decision about what action to take. In March 2018 a landlord in Wisconsin was murdered over a $30 rent increase. In July 2019 a landlord was murdered over $1200 in past due rent. These horrible tragedies could have been avoided. Not necessarily by refusing to rent to these people but by the landlord understanding what type of people he was dealing with. Both of these murderers had previous violent felonies. Our job is to provide a complete picture to our clients.
At Apex Employment Investigators one inaccurate report is unacceptable. We realize that we are dealing with people's businesses, their lives, and their livelihoods every day. And we promise every day to not let profits get in the way of providing the most accurate report in the business